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Adding Statistics On Website

Author: t4share // Category:
You want to know the number of visitors to your web? Want to know which browser or use your web page the most views? How easy. You can use the statistics that have been provided by many providers. One of the most famous is www.hitbox.com. This paper will explain how to add the statistics on the web page and what information can be obtained. In this example we will use HitBox.

To get the service, as you usually need to register first. STEP 2 Fill in and follow that have been provided. You'll then get the code that you need to add on your web page. There are two types of code, the code that is placed on the main web page and you put the code on another page (not on the main page). Now copy the code to the pages you want to observe the statistics.

Well, after a web page that has been disisipi code from HitBox are uploaded, you can find various info such as:

1. Page Views, the number of pages viewed.
2. Pages Per Visitor seen, the number of pages viewed by each of your web visitors.
3. Most requested Pages, the most page views.
4. Average Depth of Pages, shows how the number of pages viewed by visitors to your web. In other words, a visitor to see how many web pages.
5. Browser Version, the browser used by visitors to your web, can Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera, etc..
6. Resolution monitor, menujukkan resolution monitor used to view your web.
7. Referring URLs, indicate from which they come to your web, if the link from another web, search engines, bookmarks, or the other.
8. Time spent on Site, shows how many seconds, minutes or hours-kah the visitors are on your web.

But that? No! In addition to that mentioned above, many other interesting information that you can get from HitBox.

They start with the info you are able to do the optimization for your web. For example, info from the Browser Version, if you visit most web using Internet Explorer, you can create a design with optimization for IE. Most requested from Pages, you can determine what the rubric should continue in a permanent (if your web consists of a variety of rubric, such as Right Click on this:)).

Happy trying!

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